introducing the creative genius of
Scott Jeffrey Miller

< Scott’s latest book
If you want to take complete control of your career and be hyper intentional about it’s trajectory and ultimate success, you must read
Career on Course.

Just like you, Scott is a mess. But unlike most, he owns it!
Scott fundamentally believes we learn more from our messes than our successes. He uses his messes to not just teach himself, but also to inspire leaders from a variety of backgrounds all around the world. So, to repeat Scott’s mantra, OWN YOUR MESS!
The Millers live in Salt Lake City, Utah, and live every day full of gratitude for all their blessings.
Welcome to Millerland!

Scott lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with his wife Stephanie and their three sons. After being raised in Central Florida, he joined the Disney Development Company where for nearly fours years he was part of the team that designed and built the famed city of Celebration, Florida. At the age of 26, Scott left Disney and was recruited by Dr. Stephen R. Covey, and moved to Utah. Scott built a 26-year career in the world’s most respected and influential leadership development firm serving in nearly every role imaginable. Scott’s experience at FranklinCovey shaped his views on leadership and ultimately on being a human. Somehow he found himself married at the age of 41 and, somewhat begrudgingly, the loving father of three rascal sons.
Scott has evolved into a multi-bestselling author, radio and podcast host, coach, columnist, and global keynote speaker. He continues to consult with FranklinCovey and is proud to continue their collaboration as he expands his own influence through new books, speeches, and coaching offerings.

The most important thing to know about Stephanie: opposites attract!
She’s kind, gentle, sweet, a great listener, humble, smart, responsible, not a showoff, gentle, and a total lockbox for all your secrets. Perhaps she thought Scott possessed these same traits – it’s hard to fully understand why she married Scott – but that can be said about most couples can’t it?!
She’s got impeccable taste and style, manages a budget like an Olympic sport and refuses to ever pay retail (that’s Scott’s expertise). Steph loves kale (yuck), kombucha (uber yuck) and her Peloton. Scott’s just hoping the buff instructors (mainly some dude named Denis Morton) can’t afford to fund her Mercedes and stock her bar cart because she seems a bit too enamored with them…

Named after one of Scott’s heroes, former British Prime Minister Lady Margaret Thatcher, the oldest son is a gem. True to birth-order profiling, he’s responsible, kind, gentle, and “follows the rules.” He reads like a fiend and plows through about three books a week. Lest you think he’s simply a book worm, watch a video of him playing tennis. On the court since age three, Thatcher is a phenom tennis player and also loves basketball, snow skiing, soccer, and golf.
He dresses like a Ralph Lauren model and is currently obsessed with his hair. That will soon shift to his teeth when he gets braces and realizes his popcorn-loving evenings are over for a while. Thatcher and Dad are already beginning the draft of their first co-authored book. Stay tuned, he will be a bestselling author before high school!

Named after one of Scott’s favorite TV sitcom characters, Smith is his father’s twin: Scott’s DNA match in nearly every category! Loud, brash, fun, overly confident, a total charmer and mostly full of sh*t, this young man is the life of any party. He’s beginning to enjoy reading but only because it’s how he earns his Xbox time. Like his older brother (and even more so), Smith loves tennis and this year won several tournaments – the first of many according to him. He’s decided to trade his snow skis for a snowboard and is a fierce chess player, routinely beating his father.
And watch out should Post Malone come on the speaker as he’ll whip out his Chippendales moves to make you blush. He’s obsessed with video games and spends most of his free time trying to convince Mom and Dad how to earn more time to play…you guessed it – video games.

Named after the actor – you guessed it – Wentworth Miller, meet the Miller’s baby boy. With both brothers before him having last names as first names, he couldn’t exactly be named Tim or Mike. Like his brothers, he is a star tennis player already at age six and loves to wrestle, eat candy, and cause chaos and mayhem. His favorite nickname (he has about nine of them) is Tazmo – after the cartoon character Tasmanian Devil.
This young man is intense in everything he does. He loves snow skiing, the Pig the Pug book series, and was eating candy mentioned yet? He’s also obsessed with shopping at Barnes & Noble. Because he loves books, you ask? Sure – just as long as the book purchase happens along with a toy purchase.

Bought during Scott and Stephanie’s engagement in Chicago, Wilbur is a Bischpoo and the most gentle of all dogs…until recently. After turning 13, he’s gone a bit coo-coo and forgets he’s eaten within minutes of each meal. Now mostly deaf but still very happy, he roams the house constantly looking for food, which is quite productive given there are three boys at the helm. Why buy a Roomba when you’ve got a Wilbur?
The Miller family highly recommends this breed, considering Wilbur is the sweetest family member.

This dog bugs the heck out of Scott. As a Brussels Griffon (the same breed Jack Nicholson throws down the garbage chute in the movie As Good As It Gets), he’s basically been bred to ferret out barn critters and thus is the ultimate busybody. While Thatcher would argue that Wilson is super sweet, Scott would assure you he’s not. Most friends of the Miller family run from his ten daunting pounds due to his resemblance to a Civil War general, or more likely a Star Wars Ewok or Gremlin.
The Miller family does not recommend this breed, considering Wilson is not the sweetest family member.

From the front line to the C-suite, many have achieved career success like Scott Jeffrey Miller, but few have documented their lessons along the way and are willing to share them with you. Register and receive immediate access to eleven coaching video modules, a printed guidebook and welcome kit, downloadable versions of the guidebook and worksheets, sample worksheets, plus three bonus video modules. All for the price of $79!

Access nearly 500 episodes and articles hosted or authored by Scott, including more than 200 video and audio episodes of FranklinCovey’s On Leadership podcast – now the world’s largest weekly leadership interview series.
After hundreds of keynote speeches, Scott has set the new standard for what it means to own the stage and inspire an audience. No podium. No lecterns. No PowerPoint slides. Just a microphone, 30 years of real leadership experiences, and a slew of bestselling books creates magic like your participants have never seen.